Globetrooper Trip Roundup February 20th 2012
By Lloyd C | Updated February 20th, 2012
The travels of the Globetrooper team continue, from Mexico to Miami and shortly back to less sunny climes in the United Kingdom. While we will have lots of stories and sights to share when we get back home, a few distracting technical glitches with the site are hopefully now remedied, so take a look at what some of the other members of Globetrooper have been planning recently.
Globetrooper is a unique way for travel planners and the adventurous to connect and arrange bespoke, exciting trips to the wildest and most unusual places around the globe. Here are a collection of worldwide trips suggested by our users that stood out this week.
The Inca Rally August 2012
GT user ‘Ian’ suggested the Inca Rally as a fantastic adventure trip idea, we tend to agree.

Just imagine blitzing across the Peruvian Andes, hustling through Ecuadorian deserts and Colombian plains, cruising through Venezuela’s Caribbean coastline and plunging into the depths of the Guyanese Amazonian jungle in just under 3 weeks.
That’s The Inca Rally in Peru. Learn more about this trip on Globetrooper.
Explore East Africa
Globetrooper user ‘Fun&WistfulTraveller’ suggested a trip to explore East Africa. Enjoy white water rafting on the Nile in Uganda, bicycle safari trip, relaxing beach visit to Lamu in Kenya, hiking in Tanzania. Find out more about this trip
Travel Across China Chengdu to Lhasa
Globetrooper Dali wants to travel from Sydney to China and explore the cultural delights. Journey from Sydney to KL then onward to Chengdu, Sichuan Province in China.
Check out the Pandas ( 80% live in this province), the fiery Sichuan cuisine and other cultural delights. Learn more about this trip. Or check out the cute Panda videos below!
Eastern Europe Mid 2012
AussieTraveller is on their way to Europe in 2012 and actively seeking travel partners for the trip. Nothing set in stone yet, but looking at backpacking around Eastern Europe mainly by train for 1 to 2 months in Mid 2012.
Looking for someone or a few people keen on organizing a trip around this time. Very flexible with everything. Learn more about this trip to Eastern Europe in mid-2012.
Create a Trip Idea or Join Existing Bespoke Trips
Any member of Globetrooper can suggest a trip idea or join with existing trip proposals.
Use the social networking tools built into Globetrooper (after registration) to create your trip or connect with other members seeking adventure and unique travel experiences around the world.
Travelers can create a bespoke trip idea on Globetrooper using the trip wizard which is completely free for groups travel and extremely easy to use.