Map of Micronesia

Micronesia is a region of the Pacific Ocean that includes thousands of small islands. The region is divided into four main subregions: the Caroline Islands, the Marshall Islands, the Mariana Islands, and the Gilbert Islands. Each subregion has its own distinct geography and culture.

The Caroline Islands are made up of more than 500 small coral islands. They are located northeast of Papua New Guinea and south of the Marshall Islands. The islands are known for their beautiful beaches and lush vegetation. The Marshall Islands are made up of 29 atolls and 5 individual islands. They are located north of the Caroline Islands and west of the Gilbert Islands. The Marshall Islands are known for their diving and snorkeling opportunities. The Mariana Islands are made up of 15 volcanic islands. They are located southeast of Japan and northeast of the Philippines. The Mariana Islands are known for their dramatic volcanic landscape and their rich history. The Gilbert Islands are made up of 16 coral atolls. They are located west of the Line Islands and east of Tuvalu. The Gilbert Islands are known for their diverse marine life and pristine beaches.