The Perks Of Traveling To Italy All By Yourself
By Lloyd C | Updated October 20th, 2011

Correct me if I’m mistaken, but I have the feeling that traveling alone has become much more of a trend recently. And I am not talking about a week-long all-inclusive trip to a luxury resort on some tropical island. I’m referring to backpacking the world alone for months at a time. It can be quite the challenge, especially when you are heading to countries of other cultures.
But that’s precisely the point: It can be a very liberating experience where one gets to know him or herself better facing challenges that might not even occur in a group situation. Especially, for women traveling alone is a way of announcing one’s independence and taking charge of one’s life.
Traveling Solo To Italy
Let’s take the story of Eat Pray Love as an example. After a painful divorce, a woman sets out on an RTW trip to find herself. Her first stop: Rome apartments where she rediscovers the joy of eating. What better place could there be to indulge in this pleasure?
It seems that one has to come to somewhat of a breaking point or a nervous breakdown, if you will, to make a necessary change or a decision like going on a trip around the world. This could be unhappiness at work, the end of a relationship, or any other event that has a strong impact on you. A change of scenery and routine is necessary to put things in perspective again.
Traveling Solo Can Change Your View Of Life
I think you have to reach this point of complete dissatisfaction. Before having the guts to make such a life-changing decision of taking a trip. A trip like that as a way of proving to yourself that you are capable of doing something meaningful on your own. By being removed out of your comfort zone and being in situations where you have to adapt to new things, you will learn a lot about yourself. Also, the new experiences and the people you meet on the way will have their role in shaping a new version of you.
I refuse to hit rock bottom before I decide to enjoy life a little more. Maybe I won’t go for a whole trip around the world yet. But, I will look for apartments in Rome following in the footsteps of Liz Gilbert because Italian food is one of the joys in life.