Globe Trooper > Kuwait
Best Attractions and Tourism of Kuwait in The Middle East
Kuwait is a country in the Middle East. It is located at the head of the Arabian Gulf, with Iraq to the north and west, and Saudi Arabia to the southwest.
Alcohol is strictly illegal in Kuwait: it may not be imported, manufactured or served. However, some expat-geared restaurants have been known to offer "special" tea, and newspapers regularly report busts of illegal distilleries. Unlike neighboring states; Bahrain, Qatar, and UAE Alcohol cannot be even served at hotels or permit holders.
Kuwait adopts a live-and-let-live policy for clothing, and you'll see a wide range of styles: women wear anything ranging from daring designer fashions to head-to-toe black abayas with headscarves and veils, while men can be seen both in T-shirts and shorts or the traditional dazzling white dishdasha. To avoid unnecessary attention, though, women will want to steer clear of short skirts or low necklines. Bikinis are fine at the hotel pool, but not on public beaches.