Search Results for: 4

A Guide To Better Travel Shoes For Each Season

I love to travel light, but travel shoes are always a problem. I’ve tried to adhere to a one-pair policy, but it’s just not possible if I plan to keep fit, visit cold places, and trek in the wilderness. I’ve attempted to find an all-around travel shoe, but again, there’s nothing that remotely covers all […]

Reasons Why Indian Auto Rickshaw Is Madness

India’s unique country. Unless you stay holed-up in an expensive hotel, you can’t avoid memorable travel stories. Down every street and around every corner you’ll find something that either knocks your socks off, drives you bonkers, or stops you still with utter confusion. It dawned on me last night, after a particularly harrowing experience, that […]

Travel Review: 11 Inch MacBook Air

We love to travel light. Apart from the added flexibility, it affords an odd sense of independence. There’s something very ‘Alexander Supertramp‘ about having all of your belongings in a 30L pack and being able to carry it comfortably for many hours on end. If you need anything, it’s just back there, over your shoulder. […]

How To Solar Power a MacBook

Why on Earth would anyone want a solar-powered MacBook? Well, for most people, they either want to work in remote areas, throw parties ‘off the grid’, or pursue something creative in the wilderness. For Lauren’s next expedition, the Gobi 2011, she falls into all of these categories. Although she’ll have sporadic access to satellite Internet, […]

The Expected Costs of Living Abroad in India

Since leaving Sydney, we’ve lived in Montreal, Cusco, Buenos Aires, and now Bangalore. We’ve experienced the full gamut of living expenses; from 500-dollar dinners in Sydney to 7-cent samosas in far-Eastern India. But this odyssey isn’t just about saving a few quid. We left Australia to explore the world and live in places where our Australian dollars would […]

Do I Need Anti-Malaria Tablets?

Malaria is a tricky one. You can’t be vaccinated against it, but it can be cured. Yes, almost one million people die from it every year, but those who do, don’t have access to treatment. There are many ways to try and prevent malaria, but are these anti-malaria tablets really needed? Doctors will tell you, ‘Yes, yes, […]

The Must See Attractions While Visiting New York City

What do Gossip Girl, Ghostbusters, and Goodfellas all have in common? They were all set in New York City, along with other favorites, Friends, Crocodile Dundee, Law & Order, Scent of a Woman, Seinfeld, As Good as it Gets, Sex and the City, Cruel Intentions, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Boiler Room, The Apprentice, and many more. […]

The Great Circular Indian Railway Challenge – Day 6 & 7

After the near death of the GCIRC, we rested up in our new train berths onwards to New Delhi. Arriving in the early morning, Delhi was everything I expected India to be and more. There’s rubbish, poverty, and chaos everywhere, but once you look past it all, you find businesses thriving, children playing and people […]

The Great Circular Indian Railway Challenge – Day 5

PSSSHHHHHHH!!!! Air screams from the train’s undercarriage as ‘someone’ (names redacted to protect the not-so-innocent) pulls the emergency brake lever. People all over the platform run to the source of the sound; they shout foreign words like gunfire while the conductor chases after them with an authoritative growl. The GCIRC team is now split: half […]

The Great Circular Indian Railway Challenge – Day 3

Ahhhh… Sitting back, taking in the scenery, chatting with my fellow trainophiles, getting some much needed sleep, eating some great Indian food, and hanging out the train door at 50 miles per hour… life is good. It’s the little things that tend to provide the most value, and hanging out a moving Indian train with […]

The Great Circular Indian Railway Challenge – Day 2

I knew the Great Circular Indian Railway Challenge would be adventurous since it covers such a vast distance in such a short period of time. But I also expected us to waste away on a multitude of 10 hour+ and 20 hour+ train trips. You see, on the face of it, train travel seems downright […]