Map of Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is a vast and varied region, encompassing everything from lush rainforests to arid deserts. The countries of Sub-Saharan Africa are also incredibly diverse, with each one boasting its own unique culture and history. As a result, visitors to the region can expect to have a truly unforgettable experience.

Located just south of the Sahara desert, Sub-Saharan Africa covers a large area of the continents of Africa. The region is home to a variety of different cultures, languages, and religions.Despite the many differences between the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, there are also many similarities. For example, the majority of the population is made up of black Africans, and most countries in the region have been significantly impacted by colonialism.

Sub-Saharan Africa is an incredibly fascinating place to visit, and there is much to explore. From the vibrant cityscapes of Lagos to the stunning landscapes of Tanzania, there is something for everyone in this vast and varied region.